March 20, 2023 - Resolution of the Board of Directors Adopting Proposed Water Rates (Prop 218 Special Hearing)
March 28, 2023
The Durham Irrigation District is committed to providing a safe, reliable source of water supply to customers. In the Proposition 218 protest hearing that was held on Mar. 20, 2023, there were not enough votes for the protest to pass. Therefore, water rates will be reinstated to the 2022 rates on the May 1, 2023 statement.
As discussed at the hearing, the District must charge water rates that are sufficient to cover the costs of operations and maintenance, repairs, materials and supplies, labor and administration, capital improvements and maintenance of cash reserves.
The District completed a Cost of Service Analysis to provide customers with more information about how we arrive at our rates. The Cost of Service Analysis is posted here. The Cost of Service Analysis and related documents are posted here. The executed Resolution 2023-01 - Adopting Proposed Water Rates is linked below.
Finally, we encourage all interested parties to join the District's mailing list at the link below.
Resolution 2023-01 (03.20.2023) Adopting Water Rates executed.pdf